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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Oddworld : Abe's Oddysee System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-10-13 17:58:35 Views : 27202 Survive falls When falling of a cliff (not a pit), if there is a wall next to you, drop jump into it. You will land on your back and not die. Green Gas Fart: Hold R1. Press Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, X. Supper jump Press X,O,X,O,Square, triangle - From Justie Cool Tip! Whenever you possess a Slip, you can yell "look out" if you need to shoot another Slig and there are Mudokens in the way. The Mudokens will duck to avoid your gunfire. No need to deactivate bomb When at the part where you have to deactivate the bomb where there is a lightning wall behind it and a ledge to the right of you, do not deactivate the bomb. Instead, back up, run towards the bomb, and when you are close to it, press [Triangle] (while running). You should catch the ledge. Note: This may require some practice. View all the Movies: Hold down R1. Press Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Right, Left, Up, and Right. Level Select: Hold R1. Press Down, Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Right, and Left. Invincibility: Hold R1. Press Circle, Triangle, Square, X, Down, Down, Down, Circle, Triangle, Square, X Solve voice puzzle with any sound: Hold R1. Press Triangle, Up, Circle, Left, X, Down, Square, Right. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Oddworld : Abe's Oddysee cheat codes.
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